
Chronic Disease Management

We offer annual reviews for all patients diagnosed with any of the following conditions:

Heart disease, diabetes, asthma and COPD, hypertension, strokes, epilepsy, mental health problems and cancer 

Our practice nurses are trained in chronic disease management and once your condition is stable she will assume responsibility for the monitoring and routine follow up of your chronic disease. If any significant changes are revealed during this monitoring the practice nurse will refer you back to a GP. If you develop any new symptoms that concern you please make an appointment to see either the GP or the nurse. 

All patients with a chronic disease will receive a letter at least once a year inviting you in for a review of your condition. Please ensure you attend these appointments as they are an important part of your care. 

Cervical Screening Service

All ladies are advised to have regular smear tests. For those aged between 25 and 50, every three years and those aged 50 to 65, every five years. This screening is carried out by the practice nurse. 

Contraceptive Services

Patients requiring advice on contraception can make an appointment with a GP. Once prescribed the contraceptive pill, females can see the nurse every six months. 

Flu Vaccinations

Flu vaccinations are offered annually to all patients over the age of 65 and those in at risk groups. Clinics run from the end of September. Please contact the surgery to make an appointment. 

Antenatal Clinics

Antenatal clinics are run by the community midwives on a Monday morning from 09:00 to 10:30. If you become pregnant, you will be given a booking appointment at which the midwife will ask you a few questions and carry out some general health checks. You will be seen regularly throughout your pregnancy either at the practice or at the hospital, or both. 

Child Health Checks and Immunisations

All new babies are invited in for regular check-ups with a GP from eight weeks old. They will also be immunised by the practice nurse. 

Smoking Cessation

Patients wanting to give up smoking can make an appointment with our health care assistant for support and advice. 

Health Checks

A general health check are available as follows:

NHS Health check

  • aged 40-74 (no other conditions, every 5 years)
  • Well Woman
  • Well Man
  • aged 75 and over (who has not seen a GP in the last year)

General checks will be carried out as follows:

Blood pressure, blood tests (as appropriate), Height and Weight, Lifestyle advice, Tetanus status.

Travel Vaccinations

If you're planning to travel outside the UK, you may need to be vaccinated against some of the serious diseases found in other parts of the world.


Non-NHS Services

Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges.